An all-world ad agency based in iowa?
Believe it.
Founded in 1907, Lessing-Flynn is the longest-standing independently owned advertising agency west of the Mississippi. A lot has changed in that time, not the least of which is the clients we’ve worked with. From manufacturers of manure-resistant farm boots, lightning rods and the world’s most famous drain-cleaning machine to sellers of email software, pet food palatants, crop-spraying drones and the world’s first self-propelled hay baler. Let’s just say we love a new challenge.
Located in the burgeoning metropolis that is Des Moines, Iowa, the agricultural hub of fly-over country, our team of hungry, humble and smart marketers specializes in solving complex brand challenges in all sorts of industries. We show challenger brands how to take on the big dogs, and help the big dogs protect their turf.

When a guy named Paul Lessing opened the doors in 1907 (yeah, THAT 1907), he built the company around smart, creative storytelling. Since those early days, a few things have changed — like radio, TV, email, the internet, mobile phones and social media. But our simple approach of getting the right story in front of the right audience is still what we do today (it just happens a lot faster and in ways that are a lot cooler). And, if you’re interested in history, take a gander through some of Paul Lessing’s original blog writings (he printed and mailed them every month because … well, a lot of things weren’t invented yet).

Lessing-Flynn was among the first ad agencies in Iowa to advertise on radio and television. Among the first in the nation to use email. And the first and only on the planet to create a VR experience inside pig barns. We are and always have been innovators.