What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done for agency clients? Worked late on their project? Driven them to the airport? Walked their dog?
Those things are all well and good, but have you ever hunkered down in the fetal position during an EF3 tornado with a client like Account Manager Abbey Emmons has? Disassembled, hand painted and reassembled 100 matchbox cars in your garage for a client gift like PR Consultant Todd Versteeg has? Gone sledding all day to capture the perfect GoPro footage for a client video like Senior Video Producer Jonathan Quinn has?
When you work in an ad agency, you get lots of wacky client requests — it’s part of the fun! Most are doable, a few are questionable and almost all are entertaining. At Lessing-Flynn, we’re ALL IN on agency clients. We’ll do whatever it takes to complete the project on time, on budget and to the best of our ability. Even if we have to rent porta-potties using our own personal credit card (that was a fun expense report for Account Manager Taylor Rookaird to fill out!).
If you’re looking for photographic evidence of an employee who’s ALL IN, look no further than Art Director Jeremy Jones, especially when he’s modeling for our agency clients. He transformed into a horizontal directional drill operator for one client photo shoot!
Some of our associates’ modeling jobs hit closer to home. Senior Project Manager Preston Poots-Jacobsen once offered up his family farm for a photoshoot of a new hay rake while the dealer trained his dad on how to operate it. Come to think of it, Poots Farm and the Poots family have been featured in numerous agency client videos and photos.
Throughout his vast and storied career, Art Director Adam Hoffman has been asked to judge a race car design contest, design a logo for a client’s kids’ YouTube channel and sample the goods while hanging signage at Templeton Rye. And there’s more: “I had a client tell me what music to listen to in order to get in the right mindset. It’s weird, but it worked!”
Maybe even weirder: Account Director Emily Nichols bought her house sight-unseen because she was so busy planning a 50th Anniversary media blitz and dealer sales event. Her husband toured the house and made an offer.
For a client photo shoot, Account Manager Ellie Wyatt drove from northern Iowa back to Des Moines with 7-ft. corn stalks in her car. Fun fact: “They touched the front windshield and back window at the same time!” She was definitely the driving force behind that client project!
It’s all guts and glory for Content Marketing Manager Jeff Caldwell. During an interview with a veterinarian about Johne’s Disease in dairy cows, the vet hit a blood vessel in the Hereford calf he was suturing. “Blood sprayed on my fancy new shirt I’d just gotten, ruining it.” It’s been black t-shirts for him ever since.
Speaking of fancy new shirts, Vice President Jess Held once served as a personal shopper, picking out a dress shirt, jacket and tie for a client who was scheduled to emcee their own event that night. Thanks to Jess’ signature style and flair, the client was one of the best-dressed attendees there!
I’ve worn a onesie to a client fundraiser (the theme was “Pajama Party”), masked up for a Fool’s Ball, modeled a showgirl headpiece for an auction in Las Vegas, and filmed video in a giant corn costume. To be honest, most of my craziest experiences have involved dressing up in a costume. To be even more honest, most of those were my ideas.
Indeed, most of us have found ourselves doing lots of unexpected things in the name of customer service. It’s all part of the job when you’re ALL IN on agency clients!
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