Equipment Technologies, the parent company of the Apache Sprayer brand, is the largest manufacturer of self-propelled sprayers in North America. They focus exclusively on building the best possible sprayer and boy does it show. Apache Sprayers are thousands of pounds lighter, cost tens of thousands of dollars less and deliver more power to the ground than the competition. That’s what makes Apache the best pound-for-pound sprayer on the planet.


The Situation

Equipment Technologies manufactures Apache Sprayers — the lineup offers economical, efficient machines that offer high ROI for customers. As part of the brand position for Apache, we were tasked with developing an overarching content marketing strategy encompassing the themes of ROI, efficiency and other value propositions of the brand.


The Solution

As a part of our content strategy we worked to create the “Applying Trends” email newsletter to help amplify the brand’s cornerstone content and grow a list of potential new customers. The newsletter was also meant to showcase Apache Sprayers as a thought leader in themes key to the purchase decision-making process for primary customers.


Though the Equipment Technologies situation called for content revolving around Apache Sprayers specifically, a broader thought leadership campaign focusing on general ROI helped establish the brand as a leader in that critical theme in its industry. Applying Trends helped distribute that content to key stakeholders, customers and potential customers.


With an initial goal of directing 1,500 new interested customers to and grow the list to 3,000 qualified sales leads, the monthly send uses an eye-catching design from comprehensive A/B testing.


The Results

Applying Trends saw results above and beyond initial goals. It has received an average open rate of almost 27 percent (which peaked at just over 41 percent for one specific mailing) — more than 8 percent above the industry average. Calls to action – an area thoroughly researched for optimal placement and design – saw engagement numbers well above initial expectations, with more than 2,000 recipients seeking more information or otherwise navigating to On the flip side, subscriber complaints and unsubscribe requests were minimal.


To date the 7,600-person Applying Trends subscriber list has garnered more than 24,700 opens and 4,900 total clicks from its monthly sends. It also won a 2017 PRSA Prime Award in the email newsletter category. Applying Trends continues to demonstrate the increasing value of thoughtful content marketing to support sales efforts, educate customers and more.